Domslaw Breslau Wroclaw Poland | Moto Momentum with Steffi

...including a visit to Auschwitz

9th July - 12th July | 2022

In the morning I had a nice ride to Adrspach. In the village, at the first parking, they send me in the end to the neighbours as it would be cheaper. The lady there didn’t speak any English, but I got a good parking spot. She also didn’t take EUROS, only Czech or polish currency - welcome to Europe! Finally got a boy at a vending stand that changed me the missing €1.50 into Czech Coroa - easy! He also was happy to store my biking gear. He was so helpful!


Next, I found out that I needed a ticket to get into the forest to see the rocks. OK, but I am not waiting 2 hours to get the next free slot as I still want to get into Poland! So Steffi being clever, just walked a bit along the railway line and then had a good view over to the rocks! Surely there is a more amazing rock formation in the park, but I still have to make kilometres today. So, if you ever get into the area, book your ticket in advance!


After that, I went to Domslaw, close to Wroclaw, my grandparents' hometown. The landmark for our family is the church as my grandparents were church people. It was an emotional moment to be there where they married and my uncles were baptised.

As it was already getting late in the day, I looked on iOverlander for accommodation and I found a campground (www.gadabout.camp) right in Wroclaw. It is located within allotments, so the gates are closed over the weekend. Unfortunately, there was no phone number outside or any information in English. I left my bike unattended while I had to find the place within the allotments, about 500m away from the entrance. Once I spoke to the owner and I could camp, I rushed to get my bike as he opened the gate. I was glad to see my bike in one piece, nothing missing.


The next morning, after all was packed up, I started the bike and NOTHING! Flat battery! Great, this is what I need now! The campground owner had a battery charger, so we charged the battery which was just a little empty. But empty enough to not start at all! Yes, I had occasionally the feeling when starting the bike it takes a bit longer, but I thought it is something I can sort out in the winter! Girls!!

My first concern was the alternator, but rethinking the whole James (via phone diagnostics) and I concluded it should be the battery. At least that is the easiest for elimination!

Once the bike started it was time to hit the road towards Katowice. Here I will stay with Hannah and Jacek (www.onemoreadv.com); I found them on "Bunk a Biker" (FB). I am curious to meet them!

Halfway I got so cold and it looked like rain, I decided to make a stop. Once stopping the bike, I wanted to get it all done, so that I do not have to stop again! I picked a busy petrol station, where even trucks parked outside so that there would be a good chance to find someone to jumpstart Schimmelchen, but after 1 hour it just started - puh, lucky me!!


Once in Katowice, I found easy their home and the rest of the evening was talking about bikes, adventures, riding, packing, apps, navigation, etc ... and Jacek might have a battery for me on Tuesday, but we will try to see if we already get one tomorrow (Monday)!


The next morning, Jacek got good news: there is a battery for me! Wooohooo, fantastic news! We drove off to get the battery - you notice that Jacek likes Rally racing ;-) Back home, he charged the battery. In the meantime, I went with his bicycle to a place called Nikiszowiec (www.zabytkitechniki.pl). It is a little urbanisation built at beginning of the last century for the workers of the close by mine. Walking around you could imagine life back in the day.


The next morning, after all, was packed up, it was time to leave. Hannah and Jacek, thank you so much for your help and hospitality! I am already looking forward to the start of your RTW-trip end of August!

Schimmelchen started perfectly - woohoo!

Off I rode to Auschwitz, where I had booked a guided tour. In Oswiecim, I parked my bike and the boys were taking care of it as it had a raincoat over it after I came back.


The guide of the tour was really good, she made it very interesting. The tour lasted 3.5 hours to visit Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II. It was depressing, the dimension, the amount of everything, the numbers! What impressed me (as I didn’t know) was that after the liberation, immediately 2 days after it was declared as a memorial place, a memorial to never forget what has happened! I do not want to get more into details, but it was depressing and shocking, what humans can do to humans!

I finish here for today that above can settle, but travel will go on! Watch this space, as Krakow is next!



Places | Cities:
Trutnov, Adrspach.

Domslaw, Wroclaw, Opole, Katowice, Oswiecim, Kraków, Wieliczka.

Driven km | Trip:
Total | Steffi: 17535 km

Maintenance | Breakdown:
Flat battery replaced in Katowice.

Health issues:

Special thanks to:
Bunk a biker concept to meet Hania and Jacek, such an interesting and adventurous couple; check out in autumn their website www.onemoreadv.com about their RTW trip.


