Here you will find all the moments that we would like to share with you. The good, the bad, the funny, the depressing, the boring, or simply the moments that you need the momentum to get your bike through it.

This destination was decided only middle January 2023 as other travel plans didn’t work out due to various circumstances. This means also, suddenly we have to deal with carnets and other bureaucratic issues. However, we are super excited to dive into a completely different culture – and share this experience with you. Please note, James will be on my side only during the summer period. So brew a chai and sit back to follow us on this adventure.

Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn


RIDE & REST - Back to Shaqra Heritage Guesthouse | The next morning we had a lovely breakfast together. They had constructed and designed the inside of the old fire brigade truck to their needs, which was fantastic. To me, all looked…

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Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn

The Edge of the World

THE EDGE OF THE WORLD - And Meeting Other Overlander | The next morning, after everything was packed up, I tried to find someone in the house to say goodbye and thank them, but I couldn't find anybody, so I left. I then went to…

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Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn


RIYADH - And the SHAQRA GIRLS | The next morning, I was invited by the Guesthouse family to have breakfast at a Bedouin camp; the camp of the brother of the family. How privileged is that? It was so fantastic getting out there with all the…

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Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn


SHAQRA - I found a ZEN place | At one village, there was a camping spot marked on iOverlander, so I searched for it. I missed it, but like that, I found even a better one. Tucked away behind piles of earth and it didn't look like there had been a …

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Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn


NORTH AGAIN - Passing the Empty Quarter | The next morning I was planning to visit the “Old Town'' AlUkhdud Archaeological Site and from there make my way towards Riyadh skirting along the Empty Quarter, to cover a distance of…

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Stefanie Eickhorn Stefanie Eickhorn


ABHA - And First Time Couchsurfing | The next morning I finally went to Rijal Alma, the famous heritage village. I was a bit hesitant as the weather forecast was not too good after 12h00, but I took the risk. On the way down into the valley you pass over nearly…

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