Albania | Day Two

What a beautiful, still untouched country!…

21st April | 2022

The next morning we took it very slowly with the packing up. In Përmet we got freshly baked pastry from the bakery for our breakfast. Once finished our breakfast, we topped up petrol and off we were into the mountains, offroad. Steffi had to pull out 3 Joker cards on the shortcut Pavel has picked for us. And this is only the start of the day! Steffi suggested that she then will drop her bike as bike drops are not counting ;-) strangely James doesn’t like this loophole, and Steffi also wouldn’t drop her bike on purpose!


Around lunchtime in Raban, we bumped into 2 german boys that are travelling currently the Balcans on their way to India. Pavel could feed them with plenty of information and it was great to meet other Overlanders. We could have carried on and on, but we still had some offroad to do and lunchtime was not far away... So we are looking forward to finding out about the adventures of Tobias (IG: tobias_domani) and Flo (IG: Flowillibald) and if they finally make it into India! Viel Glück Jungs und weiterhin Gute Reise!


In Sevran I Madh Pavel suddenly stopped at a Camping sign and it turned out, that we will have lunch there. Man, what a delicious lunch was that! Nearly all homemade: the yoghurt dip, salad, fried bread with honey (all our favourite), cheese, ... ah, and the Raki! The boys even bought half a litre each!

This place is along the TET Albania and we can highly recommend Zengjine in Corovodë (FB: Zengjine Jaupllari) either for camping or just stop there for a drink or even better for her homemade food!


We bought our beer and bread for dinner in the next town when Pavel got approached by a group of Czech guys when they saw his number plate. We had then all together a café and nearly got chatting away. Steffi reminded the boys that we need to go ahead to still find a wild camping spot.


After we left the village, the road took us higher and higher into the mountains, so we finally camped at 1100m altitude. We had a lovely campfire going, but also some gusts of wind; reminded us a bit of the Pyrenees tour last September. However, we had a lovely evening, especially the boys later on with their Raki ;-) whilst Steffi already went to bed catching up on the blog until 3am!

Stay tuned for action loaded ALBANIA - day three!

PLEASE NOTE, some pictures are courtesy of Pavel (Far and Further) - thank you that we can use them for this blog!



Places | Cities:
Benjë, Kosinä, Raban, Corovoda, Sevran i Madh, Gjerbës, Zhepë, Vidhani, Skënderbegas, Gramsh.

Driven km | Trip:
Total: 8805 km

Maintenance | Breakdown:
. / .

Health issues:
Steffi suffering with a migraine.

Special thanks to:
Pavel (
for his great company, and all the giggles we had!

Zengjine (FB: Zengjine Jaupllari) for the best lunch we had on the trip so far in Albania - Faleminderit!


Albania | Day Three


Albania | Day One