Albania | Day Three

Gjerbes TET | Albania | Moto Momentum with James & Steffi

What a beautiful, still untouched country!

22nd April | 2022


On our way to Gjerbës, Pavel came off his bike the next morning. He was fine, but his Yamaha T7 switched off its engine as soon as he changed into gear. So it was time for a bit of bush mechanic.

It was just a faulty connector and after the quick fix, we were on our way to Gjerbes, for our breakfast. It was not the best, but at least something! We definitely cannot recommend the Turkish cafe - YUK!

The hotel owner told Pavel which way over the mountains we have to take to get to Gramsh, and then we were off down to the Tomorrica river (actually part of the TET Albania).

We could already see in the distance that it was in there like a sandstorm, as today it is a very windy day! Occasionally it took nearly one of us off the bike!


Down in the riverbed should be a crossing to the other side, but we walked around in the big pebbles and the sand storm gusts, but couldn’t find the place to get across to the track on the other side. So after long discussions we made the sensible decision and went back to the bridge to take the "normal", meaning the longer, route. Just 1 km into the track we saw a track forking off so we took that as it took us in the right direction. From there on, it was just finding our way from one village to the next one until we will hit the road to Gramsh.


Let the pictures speak for it, as it was a hard-core offroad of 40km - even though the pictures do not look like it, we only arrived in Gramsh at 17h00 for LUNCH (!).

Also the german boys Tobi and Flori were in the area, so they joined us for "lunch" and then we all decided to camp tonight together. So, for us 3 it was the fourth night in a row without a shower, so no comment on us smelling, especially the socks ;-) But the good thing is, that we all have the same sort of odour...


Steffi suffered again from here strange headache, migraine type, that she went to bed early and nearly slept all night through, whilst the boys had their boyz talks ;-) and their Raki at a massive campfire.

It was such a great and fun time with Pavel travelling through Albania. We loved the remote areas and the pure nature!

Falemenderit for looking after us and showing us all the beautiful areas of this so far untouched country! We hope you also loved it and we will show you a bit more before we enter Montenegro ...

Gezuar with a Raki ;-) and see you soon!


PLEASE NOTE, some pictures are courtesy of Pavel (Far and Further) - thank you that we can use them for our blog!



Places | Cities:
Gjerbës, Zhepë, Vidhani, Skënderbegas, Gramsh.

Driven km | Trip:
Total: 8895 km

Maintenance | Breakdown:
. / .

Health issues:
. / .

Special thanks to:
Pavel ( for his great company, and all the adventures and fun we had!!!


Albania to Montenegro


Albania | Day Two