Into Bulgaria

Arch of Freedom - Bulgaria | Moto Momentum with Steffi

…And More Social Life!

6th June - 11th June | 2023

In the morning I finally left Katrina and Loki loco - after one week staying with them. I will miss you!!! Thank you for everything!! I went to Ivan, to pack my remaining luggage as I left it all there on my nighttime arrival. After all was back in space, we went for some delicious Byrek in a shopping mall in the city centre. We drove into the shopping mall to park our bikes safely - try that at home ;-) This is Macedonia for you :-D

After that, Ivan even went with me to the outskirts of Skopje to take me on the right way. I cannot thank him (also) enough for everything he has done for me (too). Such amazing people!!


As I needed a bit of me-time, I have booked a small hotel just after the border into Bulgaria. On the way to the border, I passed the interesting rock formation "The Stone Dolls" and the beautiful Orthodox Monastery "Saint Joachim Osogovski", which was a recommendation of Ivan. Such a beautiful monastery, so peaceful and quiet. You could stay there in the hotel, but I had already checked myself out with the police, so I didn't want to mess around about this.

Before crossing the border I filled up my bike to get rid of the last Denar. Whilst I had a snack and something to drink, a bus full of tourists from the Far East arrived. They all wanted to take pictures of me and/or my bike, so we got talking as well. They are from Hong Kong on a trip around the Balkans for 2 weeks - interesting! Shortly after I crossed the border again into Bulgaria without any problems. I went directly to the hotel in Kyustendil. Unfortunately, there was also a class or group of youngsters staying in the hotel, so lots of banging doors, but at least not during the night time!


The next day I went directly to Sofia to Terry, one of the Bulgarian biker group I met at Mount Olympos (see blog #88-Mainland Greece).

She gave me a warm welcome and shortly we went out for a burger for lunch. In the evening she had a girls-night-out, so I stayed at home with her husband Kalin. I went with him to pick up their son Kamen from his Taekwondo training. We had a nice evening chatting and playing memory - got beaten by a 6-year-old!!!

The next day I went with Terry to the local BMW dealer as they got cooling vests as I probably will get too hot in my Rukka gear in temperatures over 30C, and I am heading into hot countries now. After I got my fancy cooling vest we went to the city centre of Sofia where Terry showed me the most important sites. After that, we pampered ourselves with a cafe and cake at the Grand Hotel Sofia. Then we went to visit her close friend Violeta (FB: Holy Moto) as she came back yesterday from her RTW trip. She is the first woman that travelled around the world on a Harley Davidson - how cool is it that I can meet her directly upon her return! Of course, she shared her stories and knowledge. It was such an honour to meet her! Unfortunately it was then time to pick up Kamen from kindergarten. At home, Terry cooked us a nice typical Macedonian dish, which was really delicious. In the meantime, Kalin, Kamen and I had again a round of memory and got beaten again by the young champion!


The next morning Terry was planning to go with me until the turn-off to the Troyan pass. It was so nice riding in company :-D It was a really nice ride, once you left the traffic from Sofia. The road even had some twisties. When we had a cafe stop, 3 biker guys from a MC came and joined us - they were on their way to a motorbike meeting somewhere in the centre of Bulgaria. Even though they had the flashy, shiny Harley Davidson they were admiring my dirty Schimmelchen:-D. Shortly after that, it was time to say goodbye to Terry. Thank you so much for hosting me on short notice and to introduce me to all these cool people. You rock woman!


I drove then the Troyan pass, which was a really nice twisty road. Ok occasionally a bit bumpy as most of the Bulgarian roads, but it was still enjoyable. I visited the old soviet monument "Arch of Freedom" and later on the Troyan Monastery. And then it was time to crack on to the famous MotoCamp-Bulgaria (, to stay for the night. Terry had arranged me a room for the night, as the weather forecast gave rain. On the last 15km suddenly the symbol for the ABS stayed on - what is going on here now? Seriously!?! Another thing! I hope nothing severe, only the sensor that needs attention. The good thing is, that the bike and the breaks are working! However, after a warm welcome of Ivo and Polly, I spoke to James if that is something that can wait until I am servicing the bike in Istanbul next week. We both came to the conclusion it must be the sensor.

In the evening I had lovely talks with two Norwegian guys Jürgen and Oerjan (FB: Lets RideAbout), that are on their way to Turkey and Georgia, and with a dutch guy Daan (FB: oneway.roundtrip) on his way to Mongolia. It was really great to share our stories over a couple of beers.


The next morning started with a rain shower, but by the time I left, it nearly had stopped. I wanted to visit on my way to the Black Sea coast that famous UFO-looking monument "Buzludzha". From there it was then a very boring ride to the coast. I was in touch with the Norwegian boys as they were also heading towards the coast. After I found a camping spot, I shared the location and shortly after we were united again. Unfortunately that was not the best camping place when it comes to sanitary installations, but it will do for one night ;-) We had again really good conversation, until it was time to sleep.


The next morning, after we had all packed up, they decided that they are not doing any offroad to the border, that they will join me. How cool is that - company again :-D It was actually a nice road through the green forests, with a lot of curves - just bad road surface though. Before the border I used my last Lev to get some fuel and water, and then it was time to get to the border. We were really curious what to expect.

All went pretty smooth. It took us about 90mins and we were in. That was easier than expected! And now it was time to say good-bye as they head again towards the Black Sea coast and me south to the hotel in Kirklareli

"Takk" for your company and have a great journey over the next 2 months - it was great to meet you!


After I checked into my room, I had to have a little rest as I started with headache again - too much sun this morning and at the border.

I hope you enjoyed the social life as much as I and that I finally move forward. Lets see what Turkey will provide me in the next days. It will be the last week on my own as finally James will leave soon to join me. We will meet in a week in Istanbul - Hurray :-D So stay tuned to join me on my last days being on my own.



Places | Cities:
Sofia, Idilevo, Kiten

Driven km | Trip:
Total | Steffi: 7860 km

Information Border Crossings (in May 2023):
June 2023:
German ID, bike documents and green card - all very easy.
German passport, bike documents and green card - all easy, but it was a bit of waiting time, at a small border crossing.

Maintenance | Breakdown:
ABS sensor faulty.

Health issues:

Special thanks to:
MotoCamp - Bulgaria (FB: MotoCamp Bulgaria or to have created such a hub for overlander.

Terry and family to let me be a part of their family.

Oerjan and Jürgen (FB: Lets RideAbout) for the fantastic chats we had.



