Bretagne is Amazing!…
5th October - 7th October | 2022
Leaving the hotel, I tried to get as close as possible to Mont St Michel once more, to take one more picture, before I headed right into Bretagne. I had a short foto stop in Saint-Malo, which seems to have a nice old town within the old fortress walls. Unfortunately, no James, that is in a bar overlooking the bikes :-( so no look-around.

My next randomly chosen stop was "Point des Quatre Vents" at Erquy. It was windy there, but very beautiful. It was so windy, I even took my sunglasses off, as it felt, like they will be blown off my nose! Apparently, that is also the area of the Asterix stories...

I carried on a bit along the coast until about Estables-Sur-Mer and there I forked off inland to the "Valley of the Saints" that Roger had recommended. A huge area is full of amazing stone statues. After a stroll, I went to tonight's Airbnb in Huelgoat, where I am staying with a Belgian-French couple. I had a nice conversation about changes in life with Femke over a cup of tea.

The next day I went to the coastal area of Plougonveun. Another day of nice riding and stunning landscape. And today Ms Sunshine showing her best face :-D I even had a picnic at the river of the town of Le Faou. I still had half a baguette left over and I was just packing up, came a German cyclist along and I gave it to him. He was really happy about it, and I don’t need to bin it.

My last stop of the day was the lovely ancient town of Locronan. From there it was only a short distance to tonight's Airbnb. Unpacking my stuff, I realised that the rain stayed in the bottom of my panniers, so everything I stored there without the dry bag got soaking wet! I should have wrapped it all in plastic bags! Luckily today's accommodation got heating, so my room is nicely decorated ;-)
In the morning I tried to get all back into the panniers, this time in additional plastic bags! Today I again picked randomly places towards the area of Auray. I even found a camping place that seems to be open in the area, so I will try it, so nothing is booked for tonight!
It was again a sunny day, making the Bretagne look stunning. There were areas I stopped literally every 2km for taking pictures! And of course, it was again time for some picnic today - this time with a harbour view :-D
After lunch, it was time to get to the camping site; otherwise, it would be getting too fast cold.

Arriving, one of the workers said it is open and called the owner. When I asked him, if he got a space for me for 1-night camping, it was suddenly not possibly as apparently the washing area was already closed. He said, the best is to book a hotel or similar, turned around and left me. It says clearly on the board open until 31.10.2022 and people still walked/drove in. Where do they go to the toilet? And I was so keen on camping tonight!
I booked a hotel in Auray, but now with closed campings (offseason), that is going to eat really my budget!

As the harbour and the centre of Auray are within walking distance, I had a stroll around. A nice historic town!
Once back at the hotel, it took me over an hour to find something (on Airbnb) for tomorrow night! I am trying to work out "Park4nite" but I haven’t mastered yet the set-up for only the tent ;-) If anybody is good at it, please contact me for a tuitional!!
How do you like Bretagne? Are you also loving it? I highly recommend visiting this part of France as there is always something to visit and see within a short distance! Next week will be more from Bretagne and my way south towards Spain. See you next week :-D
Places | Cities:
Saint-Malo, Erquy, Etables-Sur-Mer, Huelgoat, Geudnou, Saint Ronan, Le Conquey, Plougonveun, Le Faou, Locronan, Lorient, Quiberon, Port Hauguen, Auray.
Driven km | Trip:
Total | Steffi: 29520 km
Maintenance | Breakdown:
Health issues:
Still on and off with dry throat.
Special thanks to:
Bretagne to be so wild and beautiful - ich bin schockverliebt!