East side of POLAND

Cerkiew PW Opieki Matki Bozej Zubacze Poland - Moto Momentum with Steffi

It is TET-time :-D

20th July - 23rd July | 2022

This morning I got up a bit earlier as 260km to get to our meeting point in Zamosc. It was either road work or one village after the other... sometimes I didn’t even know anymore what speed I was supposed to drive. Just 20mins before the meeting point I got stopped by the Police! I was driving with the traffic, so I shouldn’t be stopped for speeding! The policeman checked my papers, which were already confusing for him as the bike has Portuguese papers in my name. He also didn’t speak English. He wrote all nicely in his little notebook, including the mileage and then he let me drive off. No idea what I got stopped for ... The only reason could be, that I was standing up as it was so hot, but I already sat down a good view 100m before they stopped me, without knowing they were there. I wonder if that made them pull me over....


After a quick shopping, Tuyce (IG: ride2world) and me headed off in the TET direction of Lublin. It was pretty easy offroad tracks, mainly with concrete, so we had a good start! After about another 140km we arrived at a nice lake close to Lublin, where we pitched up our tents. Unfortunately, it was at night time a popular meeting point for the youngsters of the town, not much sleep for us!


The next day we managed to get up at 7am to start a bit earlier to have some cool air. Today was a bit more challenging for us girls as a bit more sand and some bumpy parts (leftovers of rain and heavy tractors)! These bumpy parts resulted in some bike drops and conclusively lifting ;-) all done in teamwork! And so we had lots of fun today!


As I came to the end of my clean underwear, we had to fork off to Siedlce, to the closest laundromat. As it was then already late in the day, we booked a cheap hotel close by. So fresh clothes and fresh girls tomorrow it is!


After breakfast, we hit the TET again. This time it took us directly along the border of Belarus. Poland is building a massive fence on their side to stop the refugees (new people trafficking route) to come into Europe. What we didn’t know, we were not allowed to be closer to the border than 200m!!!


We passed a simple, not-at-all-official-looking sign, and the next thing was we got stopped by border control. Oh dear! Here we go, was my first thought! He asked us where we want to go and for our passports. Unfortunately, he had already reported us over the radio, so a tin of worms was opened! We got questioned, documented and fined after 2 hours. It was a bit of entertainment on both sides, a coming and going of various military and border control workers; probably to see some sheepish girls lost in the woods.

Please note, I couldn’t take any pictures during the process or publish them as STRICTLY forbidden!

However, thank you boys, for the fun we still had with you guys and I hope you also felt entertained through us.


So lesson learned, linesman of Polish TET informed and time for some lunch finally!

After a petrol-station snack/lunch, we drove towards TET direction to Jeziero Semianowki. In Hajnowka we got stopped AGAIN by border control. Seriously!

We told him that we have been already registered and fined 2 hours ago. So he asked us only where we are planning to go and advised us to go via street and not any more offroad through the forest. He warned us of the refugees, and that we should report if we see any. Wow, that sounds like a serious situation around here! However, that guy was so impressed with us and what we are doing, that we were allowed to take pictures with him and even use them on social media! How cool is that!

It was getting even better, when he drove off, after shaking hands, he turned on the micro and said "Safe journey girls" and after he had turned the car passing us again he switched on his horn! No need to tell you about the laughter Tuyce and I had!


We arrived late in the afternoon at Lake Jeziero Semianowski and Tuyce had a dip in the warm lake. I was busy sorting out my stuff in the meantime. And again, summer season, the place was loaded with campers! Until midnight somebody was playing full-blast polish disco music ;-( However, once finished I slept like a log!

The next morning we found a really nice offroad track, avoiding the border to Belarus. Unfortunately my OsmAnd, for the first time, didn’t record that part! Pity, as it was all offroad, and I was planning to send it on to the linesman of Polish TET.


Today was mainly lovely forest tracks, but you still had to be careful about sandy patches! Around the area of Goniadz was a lovely meadowland area. The first water crossing was easy, but then came one, which was pretty long and even with cars driving through, it didn’t look very convincing to us. That would have been one of the famous Joker cards for James ;-) Please bear in mind, that Tuyce has a lent KTM from KTM and even though she is a good rider, she felt uncomfortable. No point in mentioning me with the fully loaded Schimmelchen! So we turned around, splashed once again our bikes, and then drove all street directly to Augustow.


Here it was time to say goodbye to each other after a good 700km TET Poland, section 1.

Thank you Tuyce for the fun and adventure we had! Also for me, it was so fantastic to observe another female (offroad) rider, that is as tall as me! I hope we will meet again!

I had booked myself into a hotel in Suwalki for two nights, to have a rest day tomorrow. Also, it is time to catch up on paperwork, cracking on with the B2 Visa for the US, etc.

The hotel had informed me prior there will be a wedding, so I really will fit in well with my stinky dirty clothes ;-) Arriving at the hotel, was a Yamaha T7 parked outside and a guy approached me suggesting to park my bike on the neighbour plot due to avoid any damage that some tipsy wedding guest could do at night! Good idea, but first unpacking and checking in.


I didn’t get far, when the owner of the Yamaha T7 approached me, Also from Estonia. We got carried away chatting, so didn’t get anywhere with my luggage for the next 3 hours! I sat with him and the 3 nice Polish motorbikers. We had so much fun and a really nice conversation, that I even forgot that I am still in my totally wet biking boots and gear! At about 23h I was so tired, that I finally brought my luggage to the room. I decided my bike is in a safe place right in front of reception will all the time movement of people. No need to say, that I crashed into bed immediately, and slept like a log.

In the next blog, after some time of relaxing and catching up on paperwork, let’s get to the next country: Lithuania! I am really curious about the Baltic states now! So stay tuned, for the next country - and of course, still staying away from the border to Belarus!!

In the meantime in Algarve:

James doing some work on the Yamaha SuperTenere 750 and preparing his yard for the Motocamp Algarve.

Please note, some of the pictures are with courtesy of "ride2world" - thank you!



Places | Cities:
Strzyki Dolne, Kroscienko, Wojtkowka, Przemysc, Jareslaw, Zamosc, Byclawa, Lublin, Belzyce, Kazimierz Dolny, Baranow, Siedlce, Miedzyrzec Podlaski, Kleszczele, Hajnowka, Jeziero Semianowski, Ruda, Suprasl, Kryszyn, Goniadz, Augustow, Suwalki.

Driven km | Trip:
Total | Steffi: 19310 km

Maintenance | Breakdown:

Health issues:

Special thanks to:
Tuyce (IG: ride2world) for the fantastic fun time on the TET Poland (section 1).

Polish linesman (FB: Mirek Antoniewicz) to change immediately the TET section along the border Belarus.


Poland into Lithuania
