Detour into ROMANIA

Varga Tanya Horse Show in  the Puszta | Hungary

Why not visit Dracula's castle?

8th June - 10th June | 2022

In the morning, as the internet still doesn't work on the Hungarian SIM, I went over to a Telekom shop. But this morning the queue was even longer. I gave it a 10 mins wait and as nothing really moved on, I left as I have a much better programme for today: a horse show in the Puszta!

I had booked a programme, including a horse carriage ride, show and lunch, at Varga Tanya ( OsmAnd and google took me first to the wrong address. So there I arrive at a place, no signs, nobody appearing, even though me walking around the stables. That made me wonder and then I went on google search and finally, it directed me to the correct place, over sandy farm tracks tough ;-)


On the way over to the correct farm, I met 3 horse carriages full of tourists! The drivers must have been wondering where I was going ... Once arrived at Varga Tanya that looked much better and more professional as all signposted and much cleaner!

Below: Horseshow at Varga Tanya in the Hungarian Puszta - total trust between horse, donkey and the Csikós…..


Shortly after I arrived there was the horse carriage ride with traditional carriages and the guys were even in their traditional clothes - how cool! Even better, I could sit up with the driver! After the return started directly the 40mins show, which was really great fun! I really enjoyed it and felt like jumping straight on the bare back of a horse! They say you will never forget, it is like riding a bicycle ...


After lunch, I got on my Schimmelchen to get to my final destination for the day: Orosháza. The sky was getting pretty dark, so I guess I will get a bit wet soon! And of course, OsmAnd took me straight to the sand tracks, which are local roads from hamlet to hamlet. When it was pretty dark, I made sure I was back on the main road - and I made it in time. Also did I manage to wrap up my phone (using as GPS) in clingfilm in time.

As there was no point of any offroad, I changed the modus to car and no unpaved roads. Where does OsmAnd send me to, an unpaved road! Have you ever done these sandy tracks here in Hungary in the pissing rain? It is a slimy surface and full of massive puddles!


I cannot describe how happy I was when my tyres were back on the tarmac! Shortly after that, it stopped raining and the sun came out. The water stayed in the tyre ruts though, so I had to watch out, for where to ride! And shortly after that, all was bone dry! Half an hour again, it was getting pitch dark again! I managed this time to get my rain gear on, again on time!

Both times, I was riding through the worst rain and right through a thunderstorm! No fun at all, but the worst was only for 10 mins. Here in Orosháza it even hasn’t rained at all!


The next morning, I headed towards the Romanian border that OsmAnd took me to. Well, should have used google as that small border was closed! Little detour and I was officially in Romania, country no. 12!!

The girl on the Romanian side of the border was super nice and curious, so we had a good chat until the next vehicle came.


As I needed some cash I had to go right through Arad - what a big town! I was no more used to so much traffic! Unfortunately, as I am now getting on a tight time schedule, I had to go on the main road to Deva (hotel) and the Castelul Corvinilor in Hunedoara ( Today the weather was the same as yesterday, but with the difference that this time I was lucky to get not wet; had to put my rain gear on though as very dark twice!


Tomorrow the plan is to go via Sibiu to ride the Transfagarasan Highway, at least the part until the road blockage (until the end of this month only), but looking at google it seems to be the most famous part. So far about the plan for tomorrow, but a heavy migraine put me a bit on hold in the morning! I tried breakfast, but my stomach was revolting, so off to bed for a nap. After that, I felt much better and ready for action!


At late lunchtime, I was in Sibiu at the hotel and could leave already my luggage in the room. With a much lighter bike, I went up to Transfargasan. At the area of the waterfall "Balea Cascade", the road was blocked, but that doesn’t stop us bikers ;-) How nice is that, having the Transfargasan Highway on your own, stopping wherever you feel like to take pictures! The road was open up to Lacul Balea, just over 2000m, 7C and still snow around.


On the way back, I got talking to people that stopped at the roadblock. One couple was really nice and they are also having a great journey for the next 3 weeks ahead going to Bulgaria and Albania.

Here in Romania, there are MLD (= MAD LORRY DRIVER)! They overtake you even in villages along the road as I stick pretty much to the speed limit. They are nearly as bad, and crazy as Italian drivers here! However, the people themselves are super nice and helpful!


Tomorrow I have to start forking off to the North and then back into Hungary as the 17th of June comes closer! Also, have I not only arranged the new back tyre for Schimmelchen, now I decided I could do that oil exchange (remember the wrong oil in Montenegro) already and getting also a new front tyre. Like that, I shouldn´t have to bother about anything until home!

So sit back, relax and watch out for the next blog about the remaining days here in Romania, with hopefully one night camping!



Places | Cities:
Kecskemét, Szentes, Oroshazá, Arad, Deva, Sebres, Avrig, Cartisoara, Transfargasan.

Driven km | Trip:
Total | Steffi: 14755 km

Maintenance | Breakdown:

Health issues:

Special thanks to:
Varga Tanya for the fantastic horse programme you are offering (

Romania having such a beautiful countryside!


In Love with Romania


Welcome to HUNGARY